Ali Gadema
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2017
Playing age | 30 - 40 |
Height | 5' 11'' |
Eye colour | Hazel |
Hair colour | Black |
Spotlight | 9412-9052-8011 |
Many congratulations to Ali Gadema who will be joining the Royal Shakespeare Company for their Winter Season at the Swan in Stratford-on-Avon, appearing in both King John and A Museum in Baghdad.
Norman Beaton Award Finalist 2009
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Black Man / | Cloudstreet | Pat Trueman |
Simon / | Earthquakes in London | Seb Harcombe |
The Father of the Bride | Lorca - Double Bill | Alan Dunnett |
The Cab Driver | The Blue Room | David Shirley |
York | Henry IV, Part I | Andrew Jarvis |
Mr Peachum | Threepenny Opera | David Salter |
Clov | Endgame | Lawrence Evans |
Professional credits
Role | Production | Director | Organisation |
Harry Jones, Quentin D'Abola | A Night On The Tiles | Montserrat Gili | Contact/Pen-Ultimate |
Des, Robust, Stuart | Contradictions | Jonathan McGrath & Mark Reid | Contact/Sharpening SAWDS |
Zead | Steerage | Sue McGeorge | 24/7 Festival |
- Acting for Camera (Graeme Hawley)
- Acting for Radio (Stefan Escreet)
- Playing Shakespeare (Andrew Jarvis)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Stage Combat (Renny Krupinski & Kaitlin Howard)
American (Standard), Arab, Bolton, Bradford, Caribbean, Cockney, Essex, Estuary English, Lancashire, Latin American, Manchester, Middle Eastern, RP, Yorkshire
Other skills
Baritone, Singing (Bass), Beatboxing (Vocal Percussion), Choral Singing, Contemporary Singing, Laban, Period Dancing, Rap, Singing (General), Vocal Range: Bass (A2-E4), Waltz, APC Rapier and Dagger (Basic), APC Single Sword (Basic), APC Unarmed (Basic), APC Fight Scene Proficiency