Joel Black
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2018
Playing age | 16 - 25 |
Height | 5' 7'' |
Eye colour | Brown |
Hair colour | Black |
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Nick / | The Break of Day | Alex Thorpe |
Robert de Saint-Loup | A Waste of Time | Seb Harcombe |
Curio / | Twelfth Night | David Salter |
Nikifor Arsenyevich Pugachov | The Suicide | David Shirley |
Ronald Gamble | Thark | David Salter |
Richard III | Henry VI Part III | Christopher Hunter |
Rutland | Henry VI Part III | Christopher Hunter |
Wilson | The Ruffian on The Stair | Alan Dunnett |
Astrov | Uncle Vanya | David Salter |
- Acting for Camera (Graeme Hawley)
- Acting for Radio (Stefan Escreet)
- Acting Workshop (Alan Dunnett)
- Ensemble and Rhythm (Emma Bonnici)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Stage Combat (Renny Krupinski & Kaitlin Howard)
- Improvisation (Mick Barnfather)
London (Native), London (Cockney), RP, American (Standard), Liverpool, Manchester, Jamaican Patois, Urban Philadelphia, Nigerian, South African
Other skills
Period dance, Improvisation, Gymnastics, Swimming, Singing (Base), APC Single Sword (Basic), APC Rapier and Dagger (Basic), APC Unarmed (Basic)