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Dr Patrick Campbell

Programme Leader BA (Hons) Drama and Contemporary Performance



Campbell, P., 2020. 'The Affective Dramaturgy of Voice'.


Turner, J., Campbell, P., 2021. 'A poetics of third theatre: performer training, dramaturgy, participation', Routledge, London.

Pikes, M., Campbell, P., 2021. 'Owning Our Voices Vocal Discovery in the Wolfsohn-Hart Tradition', Routledge.

Book Chapters

Turner, J., Campbell, P.G.W., 2019. ''The Dance of Opposition: Repetition, Legacy and Difference in Third Theatre Training'.'. In Evans, M., Thomaidis, K., Worth, L. (eds.) Time and Performer Training, Routledge.

Journal Articles

Ledger, A.J., Kuhlmann, A., Christoffersen, E.E., Turner, J., Campbell, P., Chemi, T., 2022. 'From the centre to the periphery', Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 13 (1), pp. 156-158.

Campbell, P., Turner, J., 2022. 'The clinch and the crack: rupture and resolution in Third Theatre's laboratory practices', Arts, 11 (6), pp. 118-118.

Selva, A.L., Campbell, P., Nie, M., Maciel, A., 2021. 'Cross Pollination's Nomadic Laboratory: a praxis in-between practices', Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, 11 (4), pp. e113814-e113814.

Nie, M., La Selva, A., Maciel, A., Campbell, P., 2021. 'Echolocation and Reverberation: Praxical Dispositifs in Laboratory Theatre', Global Performance Studies, 4 (2).

Turner, J., Campbell, P., 2020. 'A POETICS OF THIRD THEATRE: A SYNOPSIS', TEATRO E STORIA, 41, pp. 159-168.

Campbell, P., 2020. 'Lucía M. Suarez, Amélia Conrado, and Yvonne Daniel Dancing Bahia: Essays on Afro-Brazilian Dance, Education, Memory, and Race Bristol: Intellect, 2018, 228 p. £25.00. ISBN: 978-1-78320-880-7.', New Theatre Quarterly, 36 (3), pp. 277-277.

La Selva, A., Nie, M., Maciel, A., Campbell, P., 2020. 'Parliament of Practices', Performance Research, 25 (8), pp. 15-17.

Campbell, P., 2020. 'The Five Continents of Theatre: Facts and Legends about the Material Culture of the Actor', Contemporary Theatre Review, 30 (2), pp. 282-283.

Campbell, P., 2019. 'Disciplining the Scream', Performance Research, 24 (1), pp. 38-44.

Campbell, P., Turner, J., 2019. 'Odin Teatret's The Tree: performing in the interstices', Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, 9 (3), pp. e88116-e88116.

Turner, J., Campbell, P.G.W., 2018. 'Radical Care: Performative Generosity and Generativity in Third Theatre', Performance Research, 23 (6), pp. 58-64.

Campbell, P.G.W., Linden, J., 2016. 'Expanded Practice and Curation as Creative Process: An Introductory Assemblage', REPERTÓRIO: Teatro & Dança, 19 (27), 9.

Campbell, P.G.W., 2015. 'Portraits in/between Black and White: Traumatic Performativity and Postmemory in a Jamaican Family Album', REPERTÓRIO: Teatro & Dança, 2015.1.

Conference Papers

Campbell, P., 2012. 'Traces of the (M)Other: Deconstructing Hegemonic Historical Narrative In Teat(r)o Oficina Uzyna Uzona's<i>Os Sertões</i>', in Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 21 (2), pp. 287-311.